This kid is my best friend.

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2000-12-13 - 19:34:30

i'm home. trip was fine. i actually have better things to do than be online here. it's awesome. i have been going to bed earlier, waking up earlier. makes me happy. i have so many people to see. SELEN is coming here TODAY! tomorrow i will see her yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! im busy for the next 3 weeks. then im off to the uk. imma give wills a BIG KISS when i see him. allison lives at my house. she is downstairs right now. we will be ordering lunch soon. i had a dr's appt today. it went well. he took photos of my outcome. i wasn't embarrassed. it was funny actually. if you dont know what im talking about ask me. if you dont care then that's cool also. i got some clothes today. my hair looks normal now. dark red. it was fading and the roots were annoying. i auditioned for 42nd street. 2 people came up to me and said they loved my singing audition. for the tap section our group only had to do the routine once. everyone else had to do it twice but we all nailed it. woo woo. i hope i get an ensemble part. that'll rock. i NEED to do a show. i haven't been in one since Cabaret and that was freshman year of college. i'll find out tomorrow hehe. um im talking to pete. we are going out to din din tonite. we are meeting for the first time tonite. ill report back with all the slick details. HA

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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