This kid is my best friend.

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2000-12-08 - 21:08:10

alright here i am. my last friday nite here. boo hoo. actually i should put this in caps. BOO HOO! i turned in my key today. it's really over. i was thinking of compiling a list of all the things i will miss from here. i can't though....because this would be a never-ending entry. my room is packed, the walls are bare, the only thing not packed is my clock, toiletries, bedding, and OFCOURSE my computer. my mom flies in tomorrow morning. should be a pretty mellow day. i HOPE everything fits in my car. :crosses fingers: i have explained my reason for leaving osu i think close to 10 million times.......well maybe not that many but i guess ill say it here. it will take me like 3 more years to graduate from here and i'm supposed to be a junior...i'm in my 3rd year of college. and also, i just can't afford to stay...because i got no aid at all. on the other end of the spectrum, i have so much going on back in MA. i have my awesome job.........which i will be starting up again when i get back. i can't wait for that. my job seriously is the best. i have the awesomest band to get down to work with. Dance Party Central records is the label. check it! We will have our first record out by the end of january and then we will do the split with the cute boys of ...And Down We Fall. I'm sooooooo excited to begin this project and all of us our psyched about the adventurous summer we will be embarking on. so that will be a main focus of mine when i get back. i have sooooo many people to meet and catch up with. im practically booked up until i go away to england! speaking of which, andy called me last nite from the place he babysits they can call here for free cos the father's job. we talked for a few hours. it was so fun, we both made hot chocolate together while on the phone!!! his was better though cos it was Cadbury's rather than my lame Swiss Miss. He actually called twice. anyway it was sooo great cos he's sooo sweet and ofcourse i love accents. i can not wait to see everyone. 3 weeks/4 days!!!!!!! Napster has not been working all week. wots up wit dat?

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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