This kid is my best friend.

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2000-12-04 - 08:07:11

wow so much has been going down. sorry for the non updating. hmmmm well things have been kinda crazy here at apartment A. Basically after this past friday nite our other roommate officially can't stand us. get this....we had like 3 people over on a friday nite and she stormed out crying and went home the next day because we were "keeping her up". we even invited her to go to the movies with us before but she said no ofcourse. i dont even care that much considering that in less than a week i'll be long gone. last nite some drunk people kicked our window in.....we thought someone was trying to break in. it happened around 3am but luckily we were still up and our friend eric was over. the police came and stuff but I wasn't tired anyway. i am never tired. Rachel dyed her ex bf's hair blue and did my streaks blonde in the front.....Natalka even got in on the blue action. We had fun, I'll miss these guys soo much. I'm into boy sets fire so much these days. and also this song one by u2. good stuff aw ya. Selen sent me a cute video email........She is coming the 16th to the states i think. That is happy news. sooo great. One month from today I'll be in the wonderful United kingdom. 2 days from today I'll have finished my 3 month career at Ohio State. One week from today I'll be somewhere in Ny in the middle of my journey home back to Ma. I have been working out almost every day. I dont know what im gonna do without rachel's motivation. go to her journal. she's cool. there's a guestbook there now and a list of all the places we are going to tour this summer. i didn't really know what i was getting myself into but it is such a good good thing. it'll be a blast. the boys are all so sweet...i think i might be the only girl but that's ok..i think. hehe The guestbook is back up on this site also. Sign more updates. Is that a threat? YES. Am I totally serious...well no but still if you sign it i'll think you're sweet. hehehhe sillzzzzzzz Anything else? hmmm Tonite on the way to the library the sweetest boy was looking for laundry facilities. we felt soo bad for him. he was staying here for an AIDS conference. We were trying to give him directions to this dorm with Washers and stuff and we were like just walk straight!!!!!!! And his last quote as he was far away from us was "I could NEVER walk straight". heheh it was so cute. It's 444am. make a wish........Just like Heaven

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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