This kid is my best friend.

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2000-11-27 - 01:38:01

We are back. Joel is leaving saturday I am ready to cry now. Rach is freakin out cos Bush (i think?) has won and interrupted who wants to be a millionaire. i guess the guy was up to $250,00.00 the weekend was good! relaxing to get away from Columbus for the weekend. There were like 25 people at her house on Thurs. They were nice. I was kinda shy but I got over it fast. We watched ALOT of movies. 6 to be exact....(Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Like Water for Chocolate, Keeping the Faith, You've Got Mail, Billy Madison, and American Pie) Quite entertaining. The love movies were inspiring to us hehe. Poor Selen sent me an E-card with this stuffed turkey on it.....saying something like Eat lots of Turkey while I am in Turkey. I still don't think she knows or realizes I'm vegetarian hehe. We worked out every day which was good.....We rented this Paula Abdul Get up and Dance workout was soo fun. We rocked at it...Now we have all these moves that we were actually doing in the car today while we were in traffic jams as Rachel looked for cute boys in their cars. We showed Katie our moves to the Backstreet Boys tonite. heheh. Every nite before going to sleep I seemed to find my self doing situps. I don't know why but bed is a good place for those. I threw aside the pillow so it wouldn't help me at all I'm not a cheater heheheh. We stayed up for hours talking about boys..silly girls. Well this is random but I'm in a emoish type pop-ish type punkish band. I'm the singer ya ya, finally i can do something like this. We are called The Feeling Blue, should be fun hehehe. woah rachel is screaming bloody murder at Xfiles. hmmm ps. here's our site!!! you can see my name under "exchange names" told ya im not lyin' woo woo ;) xxx

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the good ol' dayz

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