This kid is my best friend.

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2000-11-17 - 22:28:09

hey yo i'm here! life is's 630pm, i'm still in my robe and pajamas.......both of my roomies are gone for the weekend, im seriously on my own. it can be good and bad if you think about it i suppose. i'm enjoying chillin maxin and relaxin for now. tonite is going to be..hmm..interesting. tomorrow is a the hugest football game of the year, we are playing Michigan. Now me, I could CARE less.......but here things are c-r-a-z-y! Tonite I am going to accompany a group of friends to Mirror Lake here and I am going to be video taping them jumping into the lake. Mind you it's about 20 degrees out.....but it is some sort of tradition because it is haunted and it is supposed to be goodluck for the game. I guess thousands of students will be there, I'll be happy enough recording it for my pals heheh. Nothing too adventurous to report,.....I went to bed around 7:15am last nite....I couldn't sleep. Ah me, Ah my haha. It's funny because last year I specifically not being able to stay up past 9. I remember even writing about it, lemme go find a quote from it.....hahahhah ok....February 5, 2000. "i never thought i would see days like soon atleast. i feel so adultish. its really not cool. for the past month ive been ready to go to bed, fall fasssst asleep underneath my warm barbie 9pm! i hate this! i was talking to allison recently about it...last semester i stayed up til 2 or 3am easily like every nite. now its a struggle to make it to 11. i guess everything is just catching up to me, but i dont like it. not one bit!!" Man I almost wish I felt that way now. I hate my sleeping patterns!!!!! I have 50 mill IMs right now.......sigh........well I guess I should respond since I have been Ignoring them forever. sorry :( oh one more can now see me live on my webcam cool huh???? I'll be nice and give you the site.... just click right on here ok??? Love yaz

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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