This kid is my best friend.

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2000-10-22 - 23:13:43

Is it possible to get a broken heart twice in 3 weeks? I didn't think I was THAT lucky. Well I am soooooooo soooooo SOOOOOOO upset. Tears are in my eyes as I type these words. I have just received a phonecall, from one of my bestest friends in the entire world-Selen. She calls me every other day to check in and see what's up, She's been sick lately...and just this week she broke up with her boyfriend of over a year. Anyway her mom came from France on Thursday to see her. She had to go to the hospital on Wednesday because she had a temperature of 103. When she called this evening I knew something wasn't right, I could tell in the tone of her voice. Well....On Thursday..she is moving back to France for good. There are many reasons for this, which I will not get into. All I can say is I feel like my whole world is lost. I can't imagine moving back and having her not being there. I won't even get to see her when I go back a week from Thursday. THIS, is a million times worse than anything hurt caused by tyler, olivier, john, steve, or any other dumbass guy. This pain is indescribable...a loss which I can't control. I feel sick. I don't know what to do next. This is the worst broken heart ANYONE can EVER experience. She said she'll visit whenever she can and ofcourse I'll do the same. It'll never be the same. I am going to cry now.....i love you selen!!!!!!!! :*(

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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