This kid is my best friend.

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2000-09-29 - 06:35:33

heya...its 2:43am and im up with a tummy ache. i shouldn't have eaten that left over chinese food just now. i went to a coffee bar with drew and bo tonite. i got back about an hour ago. they have this yummy drink there called a milky way. it's espresso, caramel, and a shot of ghiradelli chocolate syrup topped with whipped cream. i really recommend it to anyone who visits Insomnia in Columbus, Ohio! things are going pretty cool here. im done for the weekend...i love having fridays off. tomorrow nite rachel ( my roommate ) and i and some girl are going dancing. i don't know where but she left me a note on my desk asking me if i wanted to go so i'm def. up for that! i think bo's mad at me cos he was saying how his gf is 4'10 and weighs 85 pounds and my response was "thats gross"! well im not good with weight comparisons but at the time it sounded gross. well i said i was sorry i hope he forgives me. he's gotta..he's one of my '2' friends!!!!! well i'm gonna end this with a pic of me and my pal matt at the bosstones show sept 9 in boston. it was free and totally amazing. i love 'em. good nite :) xxx

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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