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2000-08-31 - 13:29:21

hello hello hello. i'm up for the second time today. i got up at 730 cos i was feeling ill so i drank some tea, had some saltines and watched saved by the bell. luckily i got to sleep another hour. i'm going to ohio today! matt's pickin me up in about 2 hours....i hope i'm not too delayed although i'm getting used to not ever arriving on time.

i have short blonde hair now. i'm only keeping this for about a week and when i get back selen's gonna dye it brite basically i'm half-way done with the finished product!!! see...... it's a lame pic but o well!!

i don't remember if i wrote about this but i fond out i got an on campus apartment. i'm pretty pumped about that but it gets even better. i talked to one of my roommates last nite on the phone (katie, i have one other named rachel). well i guess they had a quad last year and got along reallllly well but not so great with the other two. they both sound really awesome and just like me. first of all there are 2 bedrooms and they said they would take one and i could take the other. how cool is that. i told her i was laid back and really easy to get along with. we all care about our grades, we are neat, and here's the best.....we are all against drinking getting drunk drugs smoking etc!!! she was sooo happy when i told her cos she said her and rachel were worried they were gonna get some drunk who had like a diff guy every nite!!!!! they're bringin alot of stuff for the apt also like a tv vcr dishes and stuff but we plan to decorate it really cool and go grocery shopping to 'stock up' the kitchen. it sounds like it's reallllly going to work out, i was so happy and so was she. i'm gonna give rachel a call next week but me and katie were like ya this is gonna be so fun!!!!!!! they are both gonna be really busy katie's a physical therapy major and she's taking 18 credits and rachel's international relations and she's taking 20. i told her how i have fridays off and one class on wed she was like nooooo fair !!! hahaha. and we were talkin how we hate the typical college type who just likes to party and doesnt give a shit about their education. we both hate that and so does rachel. all in all im really pumped i could go on forever heheheh. i sound so weird but whatever. her and i were laughing alot all ready so i think we all are gonna click. yeah watch me in 2 months updating with i hate them!! haha jk jk well im gonna go get ready to go to the airport. sorry for the rambling im just really happy and relieved about this. byeeeeeeee! peacexxx

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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