This kid is my best friend.

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2000-08-24 - 01:14:59

i finally learned how to put pics up so im kinda obsessed at the mo, but hey who doesnt like pics?!? enjoy.....! im gonna put more and more on each day and in each entry...

Me and Tyler at *Nsync!!!! we had a blast.....

This is at the 4th of July Parade in my town, even though his eyes are sorta closed he's still a cutie!

What can i say about these two????This is Chris and Nikki my good friends from Chelmsford, England, Uk( well nikki is actually from braintree) Chris' family is like my family....ive stayed with them 3 times and i miss them all very dearly. these 2 cuties are both 17 and have been going out for over 2 years. arent they a gorgeous couple??? i miss you guys loads,....:*( but atleast we have online!

This is me and my buffy, she's the cutest.....i have always <3'd her hehe

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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