This kid is my best friend.

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2000-08-19 - 21:14:14

i have no reason for not updating since who knows when. but im thinkin noone even checks this anymore so it doesnt even matter. i guess the counter doesnt work anymore. i have no idea how to fix it but that's ok.

yeah so everything is still the same, im at work and i haven't taken a day off since 6 of aug. its my choice though. this week im cutting down majorly. im taking tues wed and thurs off. thats a record for me.

i havent been sleeping much lately for no reason imparticular. i have been chillin on aol alot lately, mainly at work. people from ohio state keep iming me it kix ass although i doubt ill ever meet them. it's cool this one kid him and i have the same bday-10/10/79. anyway i wish they would hurry up and tell me where im living!!!! im moving there in less than a month and i still dont know. i heard the tell us like sept 1st or something. way to drag it out.

my friends in england left a message on my machine yesterday. it was great to hear from them, their accents kick major ass. i can't wait til they call back again so i can talk to them. they rule, they are the closest thing i have to family in the UK.

i just started like 3 diff sentences but they were all pointless. i miss tyler. im seeing him a week from thurs. not soon enough for me. ahhhh i can not wait. i bet we'll go shopping every day. even if we dont buy anything. i cant wait to go to osu. it's gonna be fabulouso. the people there say i will LOVE it. im hopin this is true. im positive it will be. im prayin my roommate is drugfree....but im not counting on it. just how i want a single but i dont think im that lucky. oh yeah i also got one of those scooters. you know those ones that are popular now???? not motorized but still very cool. i figure i can jett to class in a flash on it! and it also folds up and fits into its own bag. fun stuff!!!!!! well ill end this now. hi if you are reading this!!!! sorry for not updating in forever.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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