This kid is my best friend.

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2000-05-02 - 22:04:00

wellll im back. things are back to normal even though i wish they werent!! soon enough though :) anyway i just completed my last paper for suffolk ever! im really happy its done , now just 2 tests and no more school til end of september!! yahhhyay! although i can not wait to go to school next year. mixed feelings i guess!!!!

i stayed up late for over a week every nite. it was weird and now im really paying for it. my sickness is totally going away which is good.....but i still need sleep!! i went back to work today...i hadnt really worked in over a week. i mean i worked for an hour last wed but i went home sick.....anyway i came in and there was a beautiful flower on my desk in the COOLEST retroish silver vase. the guy who bought it for me said it totally reminded him of me. anyway i guess last week he bought us ladies in the office flowers for secretaries day. since i wasnt there all week it was still fresh waiting for me. it was really nice of him :)

this weekend was SO fun!! well saturday tyler and i went to a p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c show but i got to see the goonies play and my friend nathan's band proclamation. the crowd was silly not cool at all. we didnt even pay to get in. that was a really nice nite and we went to the beach. it was gorgeous and tyler was so impressed. he's never even seen the atlantic ocean before. we walked and took photos and tyler got all sandy and wet. he felt dumb walking in bare feet but i told him it was 'cool' heheh. we played candy crane and wasted like a dollar on candy that costs 5 cents. then we went to dinner in a very nice restaurant. ok the funniest thing :

tyler(to the waitress):"do you have anything i can eat? i am vegetarian"

Waitress:"sure you can have the eggplant parmesan"

Tyler:"but i dont eat eggs"


anyway there was some rock concert that nite and there were all these harley davidson adults there. it was kinda funny. the best part was the fried dough for dessert. i have the funniest photo of ty with powdered sugar ALL over his face ( intentionally ofcourse )tyler and i were happy cos there were two couples and one mentioned the other woman being pregnant we are all happy for them ehehhe. we always check to see if people have wedding rings

ok sunday was a really sad day but it was the day tyler was leaving. i tried not to be too sad but i couldnt help but cry alot all day. he was so nice and sweet to me and was just so understanding. he kept making me laugh while i was crying so he's really talented like that heheheh. anyway here's the big excitement of that day! so i was reallllllly sad at the airport, unbearably. i was planning on meeting selen for dinner..i really needed to be with someone right after he left and selen is the perfect person!! so tyler called her 10 min before he was supposed to leave to talk and say good bye and tell her to take care of me and stuff. i guess his flight was delayed like 20 min or something. then at 6:00 we were all confused and stuff and suddenly we hear "For those of you travelling on flight 4976 to Columbus, Ohio...that flight has been CANCELLED due to mechanical problems in the aircraft please go over here and reschedule your flight." let's just say my whole attitude changed quite a was like my wish came true or something!!!!! we were both soooooooo psyched while everyone else on his plane was REALLY MAD!!!!! we didnt care one bit, we were extactic to say the least. so....after we called his mom/got a new ticket ( for 630pm monday nite, one more whole day together whooohoo!! ) i was still planning on meeting selen so we decided to play a harmless little trick.(more on that in a min) on the bus going back to the T it was so cool. tyler and i were listening to these 2 guys talk about how it wasnt worth it to drugs and stuff and we so wanted to say something to them. anyway the funny thing is when one was getting off the bus he goes to tyler..whats up man? are you from russia? we were like huh. it was weird he asked that but still what they were about was cool. we also kept seeing the same people in boston like for example a guy we saw on the way to the airport later that nite we saw walking around northeastern hours later. small world. ok so we seperated once we got to park st. so we could play the trick on selen. i went up to her alone and pretended to cry and we hugged for like a min and suddenly ty comes up to her and goes GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER SHES MINE!!!! it was sooooo sooo funny we scared her but thats alright :) :)

then we went to northeastern and put all of tyler's luggage in her room and we went to papparazi (spelling?) on newbury st. and ben and jerry's after. it was so fun walking around the city so late at nite and it was really nice out. we got alot of pictures too ( well ones he wouldnt have been able to take! ) we even went to the top of the prudential and pretended to look for someone in a restaurant but they wouldnt let tyler in because of his ripped jeans. w/e we still caught a glimpse 52 stories high of the city at nite. tyler and i are going to eat there someday....

well that nite was so memorable to was a gift and so greatful for it. it made me realize just how special one day can be. tyler left yesterday and although he's gone now, we both realized how much we appreciated the extra day. i wasnt as sad when he left and again i met selen right after. he's coming june 2 so less than a month away. well i will end this now. sorry if it's boring to you, but hey ... they are MY memories :P

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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