This kid is my best friend.

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2000-03-13 - 18:23:04

i just got home from work. nothing exciting, just a usual day. i was looking up stuff on ebay for a guy i work with. it's funny how all these guys are clueless about the internet. i had an awesome time last nite with everyone. hopefull ill get to see them all this week again. we laughed the whole entire nite. the macaroni grill was wicked good and then we went to sully's for ice cream. they definitely have the best. im pumped cos adam's driving me to the airport on friday. i offered to take him to lunch but he declined. im letting him drive me in my blazer though cos i dont think he has a car this week anyway. its cool though cos now i dont have to get up at 7am and go to school with my mom, take a train and then the T to the airport! ok im staarvinnnn so im goin to raid the fridge. peaceeeeeeee

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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