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2000-03-02 - 16:36:23

hey whats up. quick update here. im kinda in a rush. i gotta leave in a few to meet my dad. im goin skiing tonite. im starvin i shoulda ate something but i have no time! today was a good day, my philosophy test went well and so did my speech. meghan was like "you seemed so calm!!!" once that was over i was fine. well some girl did her speech on phlebotamy ( sp? ) which is drawing blood and i had to block my ears cos i was feeling nauteous. im really sensitive when it comes to that type of stuff! im taking the train to the airport tomorrow. i keep thinking it will break down even though i know it is rare so im taking the 10am train just incase even though i dont have to be to the airport til like 1245!!! hey better to be safe than sorry. well ill update when i get back on sunday or monday. til then peace and have a wonderful weekend! love, emily

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